We engage in research and practice unveiling paths toward healthy human development for all, at the intersection of character, community, nature, and resources.

The Institute Map

The structural components of the Institute map onto the real areas of interaction in an educational ecosystem: educators, students, families/community, health & well-being, and finances/resources/access.

The Institute’s LAB | Center | School design allows for emergent, iterative practices spirited by real time interplay, information, and influence between all components of the Institute toward our mission: radical (at the roots),  seminal (in the seeds), and fully resourced scholar-practitioners for the creation of a new social contract.

The design points to a whole systems worldview and rejects the usual fragmentation of the aspects within an institutional system. It is our contention that a fragmented approach to structural design is waste ridden and ineffectual, perpetuating inequitable, unjust, and harmful institutional practices.

This structural design supports the function of the Institute in operationalizing personal and systemic self-reflection, honest and precise assessment, and rigorous inquiry, as a collaborative body connected to our hearts and humanity.

“We envision a world where practices and processes of decoloniality are intrinsic to nature connection, where reparations and reparative relationships transform our capacities to be in community, and where emergent exploration of financial equity develops our characters for justice and healing. ”